Witchcraft: An insidious Institution of Prostitution

Art@attack Blog

Witchcraft: An insidious Institution of Prostitution

Witchcraft represents an insidious institution of prostitution that exploits individuals through psychological manipulation and gaslighting, forcing them to relinquish their autonomy and agency as independent sex workers. This exploitation serves as a means of social control, aimed at domesticating and profiteering from their labor for personal gain, eerily reminiscent of a ruthless game of Monopoly where human beings are mere pawns to be used and discarded. As it is written, ‘he who joins himself with a prostitute is one with the prostitute.’ (1 Corinthians 6:16).

black witch

We all entered this world through the labor of sex workers, a legitimate trade. In contrast, prostitution is an unholy institution that perpetuates childhood trauma, which is the root cause of personal poverty. What we’re experiencing globally, manifesting as gender discrimination, is an epidemic of personal poverty on a pandemic scale.

Are you infected?

Written By Achor Yusuf

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